Monday, 23 August 2010

I love taking pictures of babies.....cause they grow up so quickly ......or is it me getting older!!!
Heres a pic I took the other day of Sophie... What a cracker!!!!!!
and here is the compliment from Mum.... can't ask for better.

Hi Les my husband is now home from the Falklands and was very pleased to see the portrait of Sophie above the fireplace he said how beautiful she is and that you were a true artist in your field as you have captured every detail of her lovely shaped face and stunning big blue eyes. Thanks again. Steve & Sarah and little Sohie x

On the Beach

Findhorn is a great place to take the kids and it was no exception to take Jack,Owen,Adam and Kayla.
It was a present for Granny and Grandads 4oth wedding anniversary
It was a pleasure to present the picture
Great fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!